Nearly 1 Billion Gallons of Water Saved with Energy Efficiency Programs

Nearly 1 Billion Gallons of Water Saved with Energy Efficiency Programs

Do your part to conserve

We have all seen the headlines about California facing drought conditions once again and we know conserving water by taking shorter showers and turning off the faucet while brushing our teeth are some ways we can help.  But SoCalGas offers additional ways to conserve water that you might not be aware of.   
For example, low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators are simple tools that adjust the water flow rate and offer significant water savings.  SoCalGas offers a free energy-efficiency starter kit that comes with three faucet aerators and a low-flow showerhead.  Those interested in receiving an energy-efficiency starter kit can click here to register. 

“Water reduction and conservation play a large role in our Energy Efficiency programs here at SoCalGas,” said Brian Prusnek, director of customer programs for SoCalGas. “We offer customers with options such as simple household water reduction devices, rebates for energy efficient appliances, and energy efficiency incentives. In 2020, SoCalGas’ Energy Efficiency programs saved 985 million gallons of water, playing a significant role in helping our customers significantly save energy and water every year.”

SoCalGas and the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) have been partnering for more than a decade through the “Umbrella” agreement. This partnership outlines the general approach to water and energy efficiency collaborative efforts, enabling MWD and its 26-member agencies to deliver cost-effective innovative programs to their 5,200 sq. miles of territory. These initiatives offer energy smart landscape classes, direct install/rebate programs, and grants to help Southern Californians save water and energy to meet the region’s conservation and efficiency goals.

“Metropolitan’s partnership with SoCalGas helps Southern Californians save water and energy to help meet the region’s conservation goals,” said Bill McDonnell, senior resource specialist at Metropolitan Water District. “Joint water and energy efficiency programs facilitate access to new and advanced technologies and reduce cost barriers, particularly for residents in underserved communities.”

“California Water Efficiency Partnership (CalWEP) and its members appreciate the innovative partnerships with SoCalGas’ Energy Efficiency programs that save water and save energy,” said Tia Lebherz, executive director at CalWEP. “Partnerships like these are a model for the future and should be duplicated across the state and nation to ensure we have a resilient water future.”

Over the past five years, customers have saved more than 3 billion gallons of water through our energy efficiency programs and incentives. According to the California Water Efficiency Partnership, the amount of water consumed daily in California is 48-51 gallons per person per day. For a household of four, our programs saved the amount of water consumed annually by 41,500-44,000 households, or the amount of water consumed annually by 166,000-177,000 people. 

To learn more energy saving tips and tools, please visit